New Year, New Me? Creating achievable and sustainable change

As one year ends and a new one begins, we are surrounded by social media and advertisements telling us if we follow a specific plan, we can create the “perfect” life. But how much of what we see is not only achievable, but also sustainable?  

A perfect example of this are gym memberships. Gym memberships sky rocket in January. For the first week or two the gyms are packed while the energy and commitment to change remains high. Naturally, as we all settle back into our normal routines of work and daily life, reality takes over and gym attendance decreases to the original numbers, or even less.  

What’s the consequence of committing to non-sustainable goals? As we begin to fall short, we have the potential to fall into a shame spiral fed by negative self-talk that leaves us feeling bad about ourselves. 

So how can we participate in the “new year, new start” AND remain dedicated to sustainable and helpful changes?

Reflect on the Past Year:

  • Before committing to new goals, reflect on the year that's passed. What worked well? What didn’t? Where would I like to make changes? 

    Be Specific and Realistic:

  • Setting vague or unattainable or unsustainable goals can lead to damaged self-image and self-confidence. Make your resolutions specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 

    Focus on Habits and Systems:

  • Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, work on building habits and systems that support your goals. Small and consistent actions lead to sustainable change. 

    Prioritize Self-Compassion:

  • Understand that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of any journey. Having self-compassion and giving yourself grace when things don't go as planned, allow us to move forward. 

    Stay Flexible and Adapt:

  • Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change. For any goal to be sustainable, it needs to be flexible. Allowing ourselves flexibility that aligns with our current situation fosters sustainability.

    Celebrate Milestones and Progress:

  • Shaming ourselves to change doesn’t work. Recognizing our progress and celebrating it along the way, boosts motivation and reinforces positive behaviors.

Remember, New Year's resolutions aren't about a complete transformation overnight. They are about continued growth, self-improvement, and the journey towards becoming your authentic and best self.  As we step into the new year, let's embrace realistic resolutions—one achievable step at a time. Even the smallest of achievements come together to fulfill a larger goal.